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UL Lafayette Theatre presents Tom Stoppard's Arcadia

The University of Louisiana Lafayette Performing Arts program opens its 2017-2018 season with a production of Tom Stoppard's Arcadia.  Considered by many to be one of Stoppard's finest plays, Arcadia examines the mysteries of time, math, physics, and the unquantifiable forces of love and lust. On a 19th century English country estate awash in secret desires, illicit affairs, and professional rivalries, a brilliant young mind proposes an earthshaking scientific theory. Two hundred years later, academic adversaries Hannah and Bernard race to unravel the mysteries left behind in a battle for intellectual and sexual dominance.

Performances will be October 19-21 at 7:30pm and October 21-22 at 2pm in Burke Theatre in Burke-Hawthorne Hall on the UL campus.  Tickets are free to UL faculty, staff and students with current UL ID and are $10 to all others and can be reserved here.

Contains adult content and situations.  Not suitable for children.