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Music Media Student Uses Keyboard Visualizer to Share Creative Process at UL Summit

Jacob Rhymes, a sophomore Music Media major and pianist in Jazz Combo II, was selected to give a presentation at the University of Louisiana System Academic Summit, a two-day conference that showcases student work from all nine UL System universities. The Conference brings together students to focus on undergraduate research and service learning. Scholars present their research, creativity, innovation, and exchange of ideas to advance our state. In order to  explain how his piano/keyboard skills were used in the context of the jazz combo, Jacob used a piano keyboard visualizer that allowed the viewers to see a real-time color representation of the notes he was playing. This graphical display helped illustrate the chords and melodic lines used during the presentation. Other music students involved were Timothy Smith (saxophone), Ruben Rosabal (guitar), Tyler Sonnier (Bass), and Jackson Barousse (drums). Dr. Garth Alper was Jacob's faculty mentor for the project. Click on the image below to see Jacob's presentation.

View the Jazz Combo II Performance of Mr. Magic.